Graphic of alternating Brazil and Bahia flags

Distances by Day

All distances are approximate. They reflect only how we got from place to place so your mileage (literally) may vary. Anywhere we took the bus, it would be possible to ride. The only place where we would caution the reader about the wiseness of that choice would be from Itacaré to Ubaitaba, a route which was almost all steep, rutty, dirt road. Incidentally, this was the only dirt road we encountered along the entire route. Everywhere else was paved and many places had decent shoulders--if not actual bike lanes--on which to ride.

Day 1: Porto Seguro to Belmonte
75 km bike, 2 km boat

Day 2: Belmonte to Una
50 km bike, 25 km boat

Day 3: Una to Olivença
43 km bike (some hills)

Day 4: Olivença to Itacaré
85 km bike (steep hills)

Day 5: Itacaré to Morro de São Paulo
163 km bus, 29 km bike, 20 km boat

Day 6: Morro de São Paulo to Salvador
109 km bus, 50 km boat

Graphic of alternating Brazil and Bahia flags